We are delighted to share the call for proposals following the recent CZI announcement. The grant programme will support the Pediatric Networks for the Human Cell Atlas. Further details are available here.

The International Human Cell Atlas Consortium would like to offer to assist with match-making among potential consortium members. If you wish to take part in the funding call and are agreeable to sharing the details provided in this form, please complete the following and submit. This will register your interest in applying for the RFA, to find potential partners to work with.

Once your details have been reviewed, they will be made available to potential collaborators via a secure web page. Login details will be provided by email to give secure access to those who have registered.



In order to access the registry, please register here. Once registered, login details will be provided.

Registry (login details required):

The registry is available here.

About the Human Cell Atlas

The Human Cell Atlas is an international initiative to create comprehensive reference maps of all human cells – the fundamental units of life – as a basis for both understanding human health and diagnosing, monitoring, and treating disease. Its members span more than 1250 institutes across 77 countries on six continents. For more information, visit https://www.humancellatlas.org/